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GuidO: Guided Virtual Tours

What is GuidO ?

GuidO is a single-page web application that allows you to join a virtual tour made with panoramic 360° images. A real person guide will lead the group, manoeuvring the view while talking about the sights. You can sit back and enjoy the tour, or you can take control and wander on your own, rejoining the group at your will, just like you would do in a real tour. You can ask questions to the guide by raising your virtual hand and you can chat with the other participants.
GuidO: Guided Virtual Tours follow/unfollow the guide raise your hand to ask a question mute/unmute your microphone move to this position see the list of participants video feed of the guide open the chat

Join a guided virtual tour of Pisa, it's free !

We are organizing a virtual tour of the beautiful Tuscan city of Pisa (Italy) to conduct a user study with GuidO. The 15-minute tour will be hosted by a turist guide and will cover the famous Piazza dei Miracoli of Pisa, where the renowned Leaning Tower is located. All you need is a PC or a laptop (GuidO uses a desktop layout, so no mobile phones please). Participation is completely free, and we only ask you to fill the registration form at the end of this webpage.

The last tour was on October 23 at 6pm CEST

There are currently no scheduled tours

Register here to reserve your place for the next tour!

Participant Registration

Fill the form to be notified when the next tour will be scheduled